Item Coversheet

Resolution Of The Township Of Lakewood, County Of Ocean, State Of New Jersey, Authorizing The Mayor Or Deputy Mayor To Execute A Quitclaim Deed To Kikar Shabbos 1, L.L.C., For Block 161 Lot 6 To Quiet Title.


WHEREAS, the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey acquired a potential interest in Block 161 Lot 6 from Harry M. Reid, et als, by way of a deed for Block 161.01 Lot 4 and Block 161 Lot 6, dated August 6, 1987, recorded in the Ocean County Clerk’s Office on October 7, 1987 at Deed Book 4601 Page 0487; and


WHEREAS, Block 161 Lot 6 was designated as Block 161.01 Lot 6 in 1999 when the Township sold Tax Sale Certificate 99-033 on this parcel for $46.14 due to unpaid taxes of $6.14 by Harry M. Reid et als. to DEZ Investments, notwithstanding the fact that the Township may have had an interest in this parcel via the above-referenced deed; and


WHEREAS, Block 161 Lot 6 is a 20 foot by 29 foot triangular parcel adjacent to Block 161 Lot 2 and New Jersey Southern Branch Main Line railroad right of way, with no street frontage, currently assessed at $100.00; and


WHEREAS, the Tax Sale Certificate holder DEZ Investments foreclosed on its certificate in Docket # F-015326-17, and obtained a Final Judgment on May 16, 2018, and recorded same in the Ocean County Clerk’s Office on May 22, 2018 at OR book 17122 Page 228, noting in said Final Judgment the property was designated as Lot 6 in Block 161, formerly known as Block 161.01; and


WHEREAS, Kikar Shabbos 1, LLC is the contract purchaser of Lot 6 from DEZ Investments and the surrounding Lot 2, and its title company has raised exceptions to title based on the Township’s aforementioned deed that predated the tax sale, due to the redesignation of Block 161 as Block 161.01 and subsequent tax sale; and


WHEREAS, the Township received from the foreclosing certificate holder all outstanding taxes on the property and all subsequent taxes from the date of the sale of the certificate to date and is thus whole; and


WHEREAS, the Township of Lakewood deems the granting of this Quitclaim Deed for no consideration appropriate, equitable and fair to eliminate this cloud on title occasioned by the renumbering of Block 161 which led to the erroneous sale of said certificate in 1999, and this transfer is thus beneficial to the continued proper development of land in the municipality.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, and State of New Jersey as follows:


1.                  The Mayor or Deputy Mayor and the Township Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Quitclaim Deed for no consideration to Kikar Shabbos 1, LLC.


2.                  Delivery of the Quitclaim Deed between the Township of Lakewood and Kikar Shabbos 1, LLC shall take place within approximately 30 days from the date this Resolution is adopted.


3.                  The Township shall be obligated only to tender the Quitclaim Deed as aforementioned together with a certified copy of this Resolution.


4.                  It shall be the responsibility of Kikar Shabbos 1, LLC to pay all costs and expenses incurred by both the Township of Lakewood and itself relating to the sale, transfer, and exchange of said real property.


5.                  That should the property be developed, it shall be done in compliance with all applicable Lakewood Township Ordinances as well as all County and State laws, rules and regulations, notwithstanding any restrictions, conditions or interests imposed by the Township of Lakewood and included within this Resolution and in the Quitclaim Deed.


6.                  The Deed must be recorded within 30 days of closing.


7.                  It is expressly understood that the Township of Lakewood makes no representations with regard to the property or title.  The deed is a Quitclaim Deed without any covenants by the grantor.  This transfer is made "as is".


8.                  No commission shall be paid to any real estate broker/agent or any other person.


9.                  The Mayor or Deputy Mayor is authorized to execute and the Township Clerk to attest to any and all documentation that may be necessary to grant a temporary easement on the aforementioned property.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township Clerk shall forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the following:


A.  Township Manager;

B.  Chief Financial Officer;

C.  Tax Collector;

D.  Tax Assessor;

E.   Kikar Shabbos 1, LLC



I, Lauren Kirkman, Township Clerk of the Township of Lakewood, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Lakewood in the County of Ocean, at its meeting held on JuneĀ 23, 2022.

Lauren Kirkman RMC, CMR
Township Clerk